Two heads are better than one.
It took five telescopes around the world, 200 scientists, two years of collaborating and extensive computer data, to get us the world’s first image of a black hole. To make this photograph possible, scientists combined their experience and knowledge, rising above boundary and geography.

Better together than apart. These scientists coordinated radio telescopes around the world to act as one big Earth-size telescope. As reported by The New York Times, the scientists crossed their fingers, hoping the weather would be clear simultaneously in Hawaii, Arizona, Mexico, Chile, Spain and the South Pole. Using computer programs, the astronomers pieced together data and moments when all the telescopes detected the black hole. This all culminated in amazing results, giving us the first photographs of a black hole.

On a smaller scale, another example of perfect, surgical, judicious collaboration is the photographing of The Totem Pole, in Tasmania. The Totem Pole is an iconic climbing spot and one of the world’s most dramatic climbs. National Geographic (8/2019) points out that the sea stack is often photographed from the north side. One determined photographer, Krystle Wright, had a dream of photographing it from a southern ascent. It took Wright's persistence, also an experienced climber, a film crew, a drone and a photographer to collaborate and plot out the perfect time to press the shutter.
Here’s how National Geographic summarizes the undertaking: After two days of trials and setup, Wright drove to the peninsula, hiked two hours on a trail, repelled a 330-foot cliff, tied a rope around her waist, jumped into the ocean, swam across the channel, and climbed up the other side. Clipping herself into a harness, she hung from a tightrope as the climber (Mayan Smith-Gobat) scrambled up the Totem Pole at the “blue hour” around 5:30 p.m. – Wright radioed the drone operator. When a flash from the drone overhead illuminated the rock, she pressed the shutter.
While these undertakings point to new highs, each also mark the beginning of a new morning stretch. Ideas and dreams, that take flesh, inspire us to imagine new possibilities. Perhaps tomorrow will usher in a new dream, a new goal, a new discovery.
In alliance, we open windows to new possibilities. This is how we grow together.
